O'tkazuvchanlik / TDS / Qarshilik / Sho'rlanish seriyasi

  • Twinnoning 4 elektrodli sensori o'tkazuvchanlik qiymatlarining keng diapazonida ishlashi isbotlangan. U PEEK dan tayyorlangan va oddiy PG13/5 texnologik ulanishlar uchun javob beradi.Elektr interfeysi VARIOPIN bo'lib, bu jarayon uchun idealdir.
    These sensors are designed for accurate measurements over a wide electrical conductivity range and are suitable for use in the pharmaceutical, food and beverage industries, where product and cleaning chemicals need to be monitored.Due to industry hygiene requirements, these sensors are suitable for steam sterilization va CIP tozalash. Bundan tashqari, barcha qismlar elektr bilan silliqlangan va ishlatiladigan materiallar FDA tomonidan tasdiqlangan.
  • Suitable for low conductivity applications in the semiconductor, power, water and pharmaceutical industries, these sensors are compact and easy to use.The meter can be installed in several ways, one of which is through the compression gland, which is a simple and effective method of direct insertion into the process pipeline.The sensor is made from a combination of FDA-approved fluid receiving materials.This makes them ideal for monitoring pure water systems for the preparation of injectable echimlar va shunga o'xshash ilovalar.Ushbu ilovada o'rnatish uchun sanitariya siqish usuli qo'llaniladi.
  • Designed for Pure, Boiler Feed water, Power Plant, Condensate Water.Measuring specific conductivity of aqueous solutions is becoming increasingly important for determining impurities in water.The measurement accuracy is greatly affected by temperature variation, polarization of the contact electrode surface, cable capacitance, Twinno turli xil murakkab datchiklar va hisoblagichlarni ishlab chiqdi, ular hatto ekstremal sharoitlarda ham bu o'lchovlarni bajara oladi. conditions.Suitable for low conductivity applications in the semiconductor, power, water and pharmaceutical industries, these sensors are compact and easy to use.The meter can be installed in several ways, one of which is through the compression gland, which is a simple and texnologik quvur liniyasiga to'g'ridan-to'g'ri kiritishning samarali usuli.
  • CS3740 o'tkazuvchanlik sensori sho'rligi TDS o'lchagich elektrod probi suv

    CS3740 o'tkazuvchanlik sensori sho'rligi TDS o'lchagich elektrod probi suv

    Twinnoning 4 elektrodli sensori o'tkazuvchanlik qiymatlarining keng diapazonida ishlashi isbotlangan. U PEEK dan tayyorlangan va oddiy PG13/5 texnologik ulanishlar uchun javob beradi.Elektr interfeysi VARIOPIN bo'lib, bu jarayon uchun idealdir.
    These sensors are designed for accurate measurements over a wide electrical conductivity range and are suitable for use in the pharmaceutical, food and beverage industries, where product and cleaning chemicals need to be monitored.Due to industry hygiene requirements, these sensors are suitable for steam sterilization va CIP tozalash. Bundan tashqari, barcha qismlar elektr bilan silliqlangan va ishlatiladigan materiallar FDA tomonidan tasdiqlangan.
  • Measuring specific conductivity of aqueous solutions is becoming increasingly important for determining impurities in water.The measurement accuracy is greatly affected by temperature variation, polarization of the contact electrode surface, cable capacitance, etc.Twinno has designed a variety of sophisticated sensors and meters that can bu o'lchovlarni hatto ekstremal sharoitlarda ham bajaring. Sensor FDA tomonidan tasdiqlangan suyuqlikni qabul qiluvchi materiallar kombinatsiyasidan tayyorlangan. makes them ideal for monitoring pure water systems for the preparation of injectable solutions and similar applications.In this application, the sanitary crimping method is used for installation.
  • Measuring specific conductivity of aqueous solutions is becoming increasingly important for determining impurities in water.The measurement accuracy is greatly affected by temperature variation, polarization of the contact electrode surface, cable capacitance, etc.Twinno has designed a variety of sophisticated sensors and meters that can bu o'lchovlarni hatto ekstremal sharoitlarda ham bajaring. Sensor FDA tomonidan tasdiqlangan suyuqlikni qabul qiluvchi materiallar kombinatsiyasidan tayyorlangan. makes them ideal for monitoring pure water systems for the preparation of injectable solutions and similar applications.In this application, the sanitary crimping method is used for installation.
  • CS3632 o'tkazuvchanlik sensori suv uchun zanglamaydigan po'latdan o'tkazuvchanlik sensori

    CS3632 o'tkazuvchanlik sensori suv uchun zanglamaydigan po'latdan o'tkazuvchanlik sensori

    Designed for Pure, Boiler Feed water, Power Plant, Condensate Water.Measuring specific conductivity of aqueous solutions is becoming increasingly important for determining impurities in water.The measurement accuracy is greatly affected by temperature variation, polarization of the contact electrode surface, cable capacitance, Twinno turli xil murakkab datchiklar va hisoblagichlarni ishlab chiqdi, ular hatto ekstremal sharoitlarda ham bu o'lchovlarni bajara oladi. conditions.Suitable for low conductivity applications in the semiconductor, power, water and pharmaceutical industries, these sensors are compact and easy to use.The meter can be installed in several ways, one of which is through the compression gland, which is a simple and texnologik quvur liniyasiga to'g'ridan-to'g'ri kiritishning samarali usuli.
  • CS3640 Grafit o'tkazuvchanlik elektrodi suv sifati

    CS3640 Grafit o'tkazuvchanlik elektrodi suv sifati

    Twinnoning 4 elektrodli sensori o'tkazuvchanlik qiymatlarining keng diapazonida ishlashi isbotlangan. U PEEK dan tayyorlangan va oddiy PG13/5 texnologik ulanishlar uchun javob beradi.Elektr interfeysi VARIOPIN bo'lib, bu jarayon uchun idealdir.
    These sensors are designed for accurate measurements over a wide electrical conductivity range and are suitable for use in the pharmaceutical, food and beverage industries, where product and cleaning chemicals need to be monitored.Due to industry hygiene requirements, these sensors are suitable for steam sterilization va CIP tozalash. Bundan tashqari, barcha qismlar elektr bilan silliqlangan va ishlatiladigan materiallar FDA tomonidan tasdiqlangan.
  • CS3540 sanoat elektr o'tkazuvchanlik sensori Ph elektrod probi

    CS3540 sanoat elektr o'tkazuvchanlik sensori Ph elektrod probi

    Twinnoning 4 elektrodli sensori o'tkazuvchanlik qiymatlarining keng diapazonida ishlashi isbotlangan. U PEEK dan tayyorlangan va oddiy PG13/5 texnologik ulanishlar uchun javob beradi.Elektr interfeysi VARIOPIN bo'lib, bu jarayon uchun idealdir.
    These sensors are designed for accurate measurements over a wide electrical conductivity range and are suitable for use in the pharmaceutical, food and beverage industries, where product and cleaning chemicals need to be monitored.Due to industry hygiene requirements, these sensors are suitable for steam sterilization va CIP tozalash. Bundan tashqari, barcha qismlar elektr bilan silliqlangan va ishlatiladigan materiallar FDA tomonidan tasdiqlangan.
  • CS3701 Elektr o'tkazuvchanlik sensori 4-20ma Suv sifati monitoringi
  • CS3601 o'tkazuvchanlik sensori TDS EC o'lchagich haroratni tekshirgich
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